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66 Results found for "coo"
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...just-in-sequence production supply (JIS) or merchandising fulfillment. Making sure goods always arrive seamlessly. You can see here how it all works. STAR COOPERATION in 70 Seconds Sales Our sales STARS ensure that you inspire your customers with the right products, at the right prices, and via the...
  • Solutions
  • After Sales
...work at STAR Pooled skills and a passion for the projects of the future: STARS work together on After Sales solutions. What our customers say „With STAR COOPERATION, we have found a real process expert.“ Christian Huster, Christian Huster, General Service Manager, Coperion „Along with their experience...
  • Solutions
  • Digitalisation
Experts in digitalisation Refrigerators that can order food when supplies run low, elevators that are automatically called to the right floor when you leave your apartment door, or blinds that can access weather data – the “Internet of Things” will shape our future. As a manufacturer and service provider...
  • Company
We use the extra strength of synergy We use our interdisciplinary network of expertise to create unique system solutions. At STAR COOPERATION, our experts work in interdisciplinary teams. And every one of the them focuses on the challenges and needs of our clients. We combine our expertise to form networks...
  • Expertise
  • Electronics
...requirement. Bus Interfaces Whether network analysis, ECU simulation, prototype setups, in-vehicle measurement applications or end-of-line tests: STAR COOPERATION's bus interfaces allow PCs to be connected to automotive bus systems and data traffic to be recorded. Discover more Residual bus simulation...
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...colleague and customer expertise and optimise construction project efficiency. Construction Machine construction Hardware and software go hand in hand: we coordinate them both to perfection. Our aftermarket services will help you find the right systems for your projects and increase your sales. Machine...
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  • Sustainability
SUSTAINABILITY PUT IN PRACTICE Look-Think-Feel Green Creating values and living by them. STAR COOPERATION does both. Because we know that we can only guarantee long-term growth and commercial success – for both us and our customers – if we tackle environmental and social issues in a credible and sustained...
  • Expertise
  • Electronics
  • Electronics Services
Products Services Application examples Academy Support/Contact Download News We offer services in the following areas Developmentproductionworkshopproducts System Integration Benefit from expert E/E services – to accomplish your objectives with the right software architecture and the appropriate test...
  • Expertise
  • IT
  • Business Intelligence Check-up
...do with big data? And how do you use the data you generate to maximize profit? Take advantage of an individual business intelligence check-up by STAR Cooperation. Our IT experts will analyze your needs and evaluate your key corporate figures. The main focus will be the relevance of the acquired big...
  • Expertise
  • Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical engineering combines machine and plant construction with state-of-the-art technology. This includes sophisticated measuring, control and regulating technology as well as information technology, resulting in entirely new products and processes with which you can efficiently...
  • BDU - Bundesverband Deutscher Unternehmensberater e.V.
  • Top Empleyer - Automotive Deutschland 2016
  • kununu - Top Company
  • EY Entrepreneur des Jahres 2013
  • Fair Company 2015
  • TÜV Süd - ISO 9001
  • Beste Berater 2015
  • Deutschlands kundenorientierte Dienstleister 2011
  • Top 100 - 2011
  • TOP Consultant
  • TISAX-Teilnehmer